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   This company was founded and registered in 2000 under the name Cup of Java Computing. The first of two internet cafes was opened in Kensington in Johannesburg.

   It was found that the cafés offered a place to test ones skills while doing computer courses. At the time not many people had access to the computer courses or a proper internet conection for that matter. This then moved over to private tutering.

   Over the past 30 years the computer industry has become an essential part of any business and a lot of things can be done with a mobile. So what is the best way to get the job done? What tools are available? How do I make my servics available?

   Cup of Java does not seek to sell you the latest IT gadgets or computers but rather to ensure that the management systems you already have, works to its maximum efficiency. We have been very successful in improving and integrating services to fit into what you are already utilising in your company. It should be designed to best represent you and your company, thus offering you a complete computer service for your home or business.

   It all started with a computer on a table in a bedroom. Today, 30 years later we are passing on the knowledge of what we have learned, making 30 years of computer training, development and support available to you. CJC (Cup of Java Consulting) is now that tool that helps you manage your business. Gives you the tools you need to end the confusions of management.

   Cup of Java Consulting.

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Address: Websites 360, Queen's Road, East Grinstead, RH19 1BE         © 2000-2024 Cup of Java Consulting. All writes reserved.